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Wednesday, 27 March 2013


I  had a fun time doing Easter activities with the children before I left for our R & R in Cape Town. I took a yummy Easter cake to share with all. It was huge, beautifully decorated and full of sugar! They loved eating it and I loved giving it to them!

This is their classroom. An annex off the side of the house.
Getting the children's attention.
"Open, shut them! Open, shut them! Give a little clap!"

Matching eggs to their colour combinations.
Visual discrimination and classifying.

Helping Eliza do her schoolwork.

Teaching the children "5 Currant Buns in the Baker's Shop".
Paying the baker for his yummy currant bun.
The money here is called "Meticais" (meti-cash).
30 meticais= $1 AUS


Chocolate  Easter egg treats for all!
Mmmm, yummy!

Yep, sure is!

Finger licking, lip smacking good!
"Feliz Pascoa!" (Happy Easter!)

iPad story held their attention!
The children had not seen this before!!

Reading and acting out with the help of my charades,
"The Tale of Little Peter Rabbit".

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