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Friday, 22 March 2013

Another Fun Morning @ Project Liberty

Yesterday, I went to Project Liberty for another morning visit. I had a special activity prepared which I cannot divulge just yet. It involved writing, cutting, gluing and drawing. Something the children loved doing. They loved the scissors, but some needed more practise with their cutting skills. I already have planned in my head what I will do with them next week and yes, it includes scissors! I took some stickers to decorate their work. They didn't seem to sure about how to peel them back and use them. I will have to buy more stickers for future visits.

I am still trying to learn all of the children's names. A few are similar to Australian names, but have a slightly different pronunciation. The others are more difficult and unusual . In order to help me learn their names, I gave each child a piece of chalk and had them draw themselves and write their name. I am sure that I will learn  their names now!!

We sang Taba Naba again. They almost knew it word perfect, even though they might not understand it! I played one of our favourite Prep songs "Stop! Go!". Anyone remember that one? 
"Well, you walk and you and you walk and you STOP!"

I then share the cd singing story called "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". They loved that one! We played it three times and even the bigger kids came in to watch. 

Before I left, Jenn helped me translate that you all were celebrating HARMONY DAY that day and what this special day means around the world. I told them about the size of Oxley SS and how many students and teachers there were! Very hard for them to comprehend. I was about to show them the Harmony Day cd of when the Chanel 7 helicopter came to visit. Remember that special day? Well, sadly the cd decided not to play, so I will fix that and share it with them next week.

I hope you enjoy looking at these photos. I love it when you leave me a comment. Don't forget to type your name at the end of the message, then select anonymous.

Give thanks for what you have in life and try to help others who are less fortunate than yourselves. 




always in the thick of things!





ANSELMO (Superman)





(very good)


  1. Thanks for sharing everything you do. We had a great Harmony Day at OSS again this year.

  2. Di, you are a wonder! You look and sound like you are in your element helping these delightful littlies. Keep up the good work. Love the posts - keep them coming please. Love Eileen

  3. Very jealous but also very pleased that those special children in Mozambique get to spend some time with you Di. Naomi is currently chucking a wobbly about how hot it is today so I won't bother getting her to say hello. But Eddie is standing here patiently reading over my shoulder and he would like to say 'Hello Mrs O, I have lost three teeth in the last month!' Take care Anne V

  4. To Mrs O, how are you going in Mozambique? I like your photo, especially the one when you're drawing! We go your postcard in the mail today, thank you! We have 2 now on our fridge. It's my 6th Birthday on Thursday, I won 3 trophies, 3 ribbons and 1 medal at swimming club, and I have my first wobbly tooth! Miss you Mrs O, lots of love from Hannah Millar xxx

  5. Dear Mrs O'
    I got the postcard from you and you were right she is very very pleased.
    Love from Kirrily.

  6. Dear Mrs O`Reagan,
    Have a good time.I like your photos.
    Seems like you are having lots of fun.
    HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Lots of love from Kenul.

  7. Hi Di, Looks like you are having a fantasic time, loving reading about all your travels and adventures. Both Naomi and Chloe are having great Easter Break - staying with Granny and Grandad this week while we continue to work :) Althoug we did camp last week which was great fun.
    Chat soon
    Sarah A.

  8. Hello Mrs O Regan
    I remember the Stop and Go song I loved it. We walked and we walked and stop we jump and we jump and stop.
    How are you liking your new home? I hope you have settled in ok?
    I am enjoying Year 1 very much. I am doing well in my reading and writing and had a great 1st Term report. Mummy and Daddy were pleased.
    I like my new teachers very much.
    The children sound like they are having great fun with you teaching them.
    But then you are special.
    Take care.
    Love Ellie Sandiford xxxx

  9. Dear Mrs O
    My teacher is very proud of my reading just like you were and she has the best class in the hole school. Guess what... I entered Oxley's Got Talent and tied as the junior winner.

    Love from Kirrily.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  10. How do I organise to come and see you? - Alicia Jones
