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Thursday, 7 August 2014


Last Thursday was my last day at Albert Street School, the Zimbabwean refugee school managed by the Central Methodist Church. I have spent six months volunteer teaching at the school. Ms  Beanie was heading off to the USA for a month and me returning to Australia in the coming weeks. We decided to jointly host a "braai" (barbecue) and have boerwors (sausages) for 150 students and staff. Her son, Max, and Mr. O. came to help the Year 6 boys tend the braai, while Ms. Beanie and I supervised the girls in organising the serving of the boerwors and drinks. With smoke everywhere, tongs at the ready and hungry tummies, the braai finally fed all of the children in Years 1-7.

In a traditional African way, the children and staff had speeches, songs and dancing to make me feel appreciated and special.

Miss Enny and the Year 1s
Miss Joyce and the Year 2s
Mr. Whende and the Year 3s
Preparing the servery
Hanging out with Max,
and Mr. O.
Bishop Paul came to say thank you and goodbye to me.
Hungry Year 1s
Keeping the food coming. Ms Beanie issuing instructions.
Braids and boewors in bread rolls
Boys are always happy to braai!
Beautiful faces!

The students and staff have touched my heart. I shall remember them all. But nothing touched my heart more than this beautiful letter from my colleague, Mr. Whende.

Thank you for allowing my the privilege of teaching at your school!



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