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Friday, 22 November 2013


We stayed at PHOPHONYANE FALLS in traditional Swazi cottages.
After unloading our gear (again!), we went on a hike to see the falls.
Very pretty, but we could not swim in the water as there are parasites that can make you sick.
Following the trail. Can you see the trail marker?

Father and youngest son.
But wait! What's that creature stalking in the background??
Enjoying the valley view of Swaziland after our hike.
The owner had an orphaned BUSH BABY. She was having to
 give it a bottle every couple of hours.
Isn't it cute? It is a nocturnal animal, so it did not like
 being shown to us in  the daytime!
An interesting exhibit in the Cultural display at the Swaziland Museum.

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