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Thursday, 13 June 2013

Enjoying Mozambician Food

I have a driver who takes me wherever I need or want to go. His name is Paulo. Every Tuesday, he drives me to my Portuguese lessons. I have a lesson from 10-12. Just recently, I asked Paulo if he would like to better his English.  I asked would he like to take some lessons at my language school, while I was having lessons. He enthusiastically said "YES!"

Now, Paulo is  learning English,  while I am having Portuguese lessons. We talk in the car. I practise my POrtuguese and Paulo practises his English.

The other day it was his birthday. I decided to take my teacher (professor) Arcenio and Paulo to lunch. We went to a place that serves mainly Portuguese food. It was delicious (deliciso).
Birthday cake for Paulo!

Mmm! Delicioso!
(And yes, Arcenio is having pasta as he is allergic to seafood).

Mboa Camerao (Prawn mild curry)

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