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Wednesday, 1 May 2013


Today is May Day in Maputo. A day when businesses are closed and employers and employees congregate to walk in a big parade together to demonstrate solidarity and develop awareness for better working conditions, pay, education and respect. Much the same as Labour Day in Australia and other parts of the world.

Today I decided to join Jane Flood, otherwise known as "Ms Walking Encyclopaedia"! She is a wealth of information of all things Maputo, art deco and culture , here in Maputo. There was a merry band of minstrels who joined Jane's "Magical Mystery Tour".  There were people from the USA, France, Germany, Australians from Perth and local "Mozambicanos".

As we left our meeting point near Radio Mozambique, we followed in Jane's footsteps, stopping to ask questions, listening to her relay interesting pieces of information or history, or to struck up conversations with new aquaintances.

Besides wanting to learn more about my adopted city, my main purpose of going on today's walk was to meet Manuel ( a teacher-in-training). He and Jane are starting to take children on school excursions. They wanted my expertise and input on how to design activities for children of different ages and languages.

We ended our two and a half hour walk with lunch behind the "Clube Tenis Maputo" with local food. Manuel and I were in deep discussion. I was telling him about "activity booklets and worksheets". He  asked "What are worksheets?". He was so eager to hear how I taught and how to manage children both inside and out of the classroom. I know we will meet again, soon!

We all swapped phone numbers and email addresses at the end of our lunch. I know that we will meet again on another of Jane's "Magical Mystery Tours", or making time to develop new friendships.

Muito obrigada para meus amigos novos!
My first ride in a "chopela"! (tuktuk)

Jane and I in the back of the chopela. We are sitting directly behind the driver.
Very little vehicles. I had to hold on several times as we went around corners!
Preparations at the start of the parade.

Many people here just throw their rubbish on the ground.
 It is important to educate people to"Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"
and to "put your rubbish  in the bin!"
It is important that we care for our environment to keep
it not only beautiful, but safe and clean also, and not just for us, but future generations.

Proud workers. People wore t-shirts commemorating their business and the day.
They wore beautiful matching "capulanas" (batiks/sarongs)
Everyone had whistles that they blew. It was very noisy!
Matching shirts! It was all very colourful!

"No discrimination for fair work and equal pay!"

Standing proud and united.
An interesting tapestry made from leather and wool.
This is situated just inside and ATM alcove and is dated 1972.
It was made before the civil war here in Maputo.

An exquisite marble carving by the famous sculptor/artist Malangatanga.

Clube Disporto.
Diving, anyone?

Very interesting murals are found  all Maputo, especially
 with Ms Jane pointing them out to you!

A Parisian fountain located in the gardens. Jane was playing an "I Spy"
 game with the children. They had to  locate the items from a picture map.

Standing beside a stature of Samora Machel with my
new friend Jenny. She is a local Mozambicana!

Samora Machel was a Mozambican military commander,
revolutionary socialist leader and eventually became
 the President of Mozambique.

Beautiful capulanas!

Thought I do  a bit of shoe shopping on my walk home!

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