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Thursday, 13 December 2012

Last Day Hugs

What a great last day we had! It started with our annual staff Xmas brekkie and Secret Santa presents. That's always a hoot! Then the serious speeches were made to farewell those leaving. Me being the last recipient . Errol made a lovely speech. I felt very honoured and humbled. I read from my 6 th draft and was happy with the content and message that I wanted to convey to all. Most of all I was pleased that I remained composed and did not crumble into a blubbering idiot! 

Time to spend time with my husband and family over the next three weeks. We head to Johannesburg on January 7 th. more news to follow. Stay tuned! 

Amigos me, adeus! 


  1. My boys and I are very excited to follow your adventures!
    Please stay safe and remember that you are missed every day, all our love Jane
    , Patrick and Samuel

  2. Yeah! It worked! I may become an IT guru after all!

  3. Looking forward to seeing and hearing about your adventures, Em xxx
    Are you able to add an rss feed button to your blog so that I can click to follow your blog?
