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Thursday, 27 December 2012

Sunday, 16 December 2012


Trying to pack. What stays, what goes into storage, what comes with us to Mozambique? I feel like I am walking in circles!

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Last Day Hugs

What a great last day we had! It started with our annual staff Xmas brekkie and Secret Santa presents. That's always a hoot! Then the serious speeches were made to farewell those leaving. Me being the last recipient . Errol made a lovely speech. I felt very honoured and humbled. I read from my 6 th draft and was happy with the content and message that I wanted to convey to all. Most of all I was pleased that I remained composed and did not crumble into a blubbering idiot! 

Time to spend time with my husband and family over the next three weeks. We head to Johannesburg on January 7 th. more news to follow. Stay tuned! 

Amigos me, adeus! 

Break Day at OSS

We had the most loveliest break up day which started with our  Celebration of Learning. The children were so proud of their achievements. We had made a PowerPoint slide show to share. It was delightful.

I am deeply touched by all the kind words and hugs that I have received...and from people and parents not in my class! Past students and parents have popped in to say goodbye. I am honoured to know I have made a difference in your lives. Oxley and it's children, staff and parents have made a huge difference in my life! Thank you one and all.

Now only one more day to go. Can I hold the tears in check?

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Year 7 Graduation 12-12-12

Tonight I attended my last Year 7 Graduation (I hope I can come back again for future ones.) The kids looked so smart and grown up ! Their speeches were so well delivered and I loved their Personal reflections! Mrs. Williams loved being mentioned first up! I was surprised when Mr. Slingsby gave me a special mention.:0) I loved seeing and talking to the parents and students present and past. I taught many of these children in Year 1! Open the next door to your lives Year 7s and embrace the experiences that come your way! Remember to always be positive and do more than your best! I shall never forget you! Xx congratulations to you all!

Monday, 3 December 2012

Farewell Afternoon Tea with fellow teachers

I was guest of honour at a Farewell Afternoon Tea with teachers and staff from the P-3 Pod. They spoilt me with flowers, champers , a beautiful necklace and a unique card lovingly made by Mrs. Siddle and her Year 2s. It sees me travelling from OSS prep to Africa on board a bus with my colleagues and African animals bound for Mozambique! I shall never forget the wonderful staff of Oxley. I promise to stay in touch via African drums and the Internet!

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Trying to start my blog!

Elliot and Matt are my IT specialists are in to help me get started!