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Thursday, 26 December 2013


Most of the people in Johannesburg leave during the Christmas-New Year break to visit family and friends in other provinces or to head to the beach. We headed to The Cradle of Humankind for something to do. Mr. O had never been there, so I was the tour guide! It is so interesting and informative! So much to see and do. We even went on a tour down in the actual caves where they are still doing archaeological digs!

Placing my hands in casts of Nelson Mandela's hands

The Cradle of Humankind

Wednesday, 25 December 2013


When Ryan and Aron left, I decorated our unit with a few ornaments to give it the Christmas spirit. My woven hat from Lesotho became our Christmas tree with a bit of tinsel wrapped around it, with a few angels strung to dangle from the edges. Plus Christmas would not be Christmas unless I had silly hats for us to wear!
It was a very different feeling waking up Christmas morning without any family.  We exchanged gifts and Skyped our sons and the family back in Australia. I shed a few tears missing them all. I went to mass and enjoyed the multi-cultural feel and the singing. Then, we spruced ourselves up and went to a lovely restaurant called "Signature" not far from us, for a beautiful Christmas lunch. There we were treated to 5 star food, wines, service and delightful music. I eventually got people up to dance at the end which was enjoyed by all! Another Christmas memory to add.

Thursday, 5 December 2013


Once Liam left, the four of us drove, via Lesotho,  towards Durban. We visited Howick along the Meander Trail. This is where there is a sculpture using poles that depict Nelson Mandela's face. Aron had been reading his autobiography during his time with us. I , too have read this book, so  we had many family conversations about "Madiba''', his struggles and triumphs, and his vision for a country without apartheid.

The next day it was my birthday. We woke to the news that Nelson Mandela had passed away at the age of 95. The whole country and world was in mourning. For a week, memorial services were held before his burial in Qunu on Sunday, 15th December 2013. Since his passing, I have loved learning more about him every day. These are photos of us taken on December 5th 2013.  I personally have felt very privileged to be living here and witnessing the passing and honouring of such an historical figure in South African and world history. 
RIP Tata Mandela. 

Birthday lunch near Durban, with three of my men.
How blessed am I? Very!
The day after Mandela's memorial service.
we live five minutes from here.

And so ends the O'Regan Family African Adventures.
We bid the boys farewell, until we see them back
 in Australia in early 2014!
It was "lekker", boys!

Monday, 2 December 2013


The breathtaking Drakensberg Mountains on the border of South  Africa and Lesotho.
On Trip Advisor, we found this five star hotel in the mountains.
Maliba Resort. It was a gem!
Magnificent landscape and waterfalls.

Hiking through the knee deep waters.
The colours were so beautiful.
Aron and I went for an afternoon walk to Doreen's Falls.
He was giving me a lesson in how to take a "selfie"!

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Not to many photos to share :0) Heehee!
We celebrated our Christmas before Liam returned back home to Australia.
What a fabulous journey we have shared!
We definitely are very happy parents.
Our sons have grown into fine young men,
with careers in the making and family values firmly in place.